Classes & Regulations

Foreign language school offers students an intensive foreign language preparatory program in two semesters with young and dynamic academic staff. For this purpose, lectures intended for reading, writing, listening and speaking skills and are given for an approach that integrates these skills. Students accepted to the preparatory class take proficiency exam at the beginning of the first semester. Students who pass this exam successfully continue their education in their own departments. Students who are unsuccessful in proficiency exam, take language placement exam to study according to their own language level. According to the Foreign Language Placement Exam results, students start language learning in their classrooms.

Courses are given in well-equipped classes that are good for language learning and where teacher - student and student- student interaction are provided. In each level, Main Course, Listening & Speaking Reading & Writing courses are given.

The materials used are selected from Cambridge University Press and Oxford University Press that have proved their success in the field of language teaching.

The materials used are selected from Pearson and Oxford University Press that have proved their success in the field of language teaching.

In order to reinforce language learning,  students, except lessons by appointment during office working hours of academic staff can benefit from individual counseling as well as participating in students clubs. Students' average grade of performance score, portfolio score, written and oral examination scores of two semesters is calculated and at the end of the second semester they take proficiency exam. If students' average grade of two semesters is enough to take the proficiency exam they can take this exam. Students can finish their prep education when they get necessary score in the proficiency exam.

Last Update Date: 14 December 2020, Monday